We’re delighted to reveal the names of the 26 talented photographers who won
AAP Magazine #20: Travels
The many mind-blowing entries come from talented photographers who traveled around the world.
Each month All About Photo offers the opportunity to dedicated and passionate artists to showcase their work in our printed edition AAP Magazine. For this 20th edition we were looking for travel photographs, near and far, to the edge of the earth and to the places perhaps known only to a few.
There's a world out there to explore and each winning photographer shows us a glimpse of the diversity of our planet.
From Nomads in Northen Russia or Sahel, to a church in Ethiopia or wild landscapes in Australia, we virtually travel to the four corners of the earth.
Kyrgyzstan, Soviet Union, Tibet, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Israel, Armenia, South Sudan, Benin, Bangladesh, Peru, The Arctic circle, Ethiopia, France, India, Greenland, Finland, Japan and the United States are amongst the countries you will be able to discover in the 20th edition of AAP Magazine.
The Winner of AAP Magazine 20 Travels is Yulia Nevskaya (Russian Federation)

Nomads from the series 'People of Tundra' © Yulia Nevskaya
People of Tundra
In the far north of Russia, on the Taimyr Peninsula, indigenous peoples continue to live according to the traditional way of life: they wander from place to place with their herds of deer. In the photo there is a Nenets family, Angelina Venga, together with her three children.
The indigenous peoples of the north spend all years in the tundra from birth to ripe old age. Except for the time when children leave to study in boarding schools. It was surprising for me to learn that they are not hostages of the situation, they have a choice. Many families have apartments in settlements, but they do not want to live in them. Of their own free will, they choose to roam the endless expanses of the tundra all their lives. They don't need another life.
Yulia Nevskaya's Website
Yulia Nevskaya on Instagram
All about Yulia Nevskaya
The Second Place Winner is Alain Schroeder (Belgium)

From the series 'Dead Goat Polo' © Alain Schroeder
A game of Kok Boru in the village of Taldy-Bulak. A rider throws the goat into the tai kazan (goal). The men share great respect for the sacrificed animal despite the roughness of the action. The origins of this legendary game lie somewhere between nomads hunting or defending their livestock against predatory wolves, to men and horses honing their fighting skills.
Dead Goat Polo
Kok Boru is the national sport of Kyrgyzstan. Dead Goat Polo as some refer to it looks more like cavalier rugby with a headless goat as a ball. Two teams of five fearless men on horseback try to score a point by heaving the 20-kilo body into the tai kazan (goal) at either end.
Only stallions are used in this game because they are naturally anti-social and eager to fight off rivals. The players train their horses to muscle out other horses in the pack while they themselves wrestle each other to snatch the goat and gallop toward the goal, slamming into the rubber tires of the meter-high mound.
Alain Schroeder's Website
Alain Schroeder on Instagram
All about Alain Schroeder
The Third Place Winner is Paul B Goode (United States)

Lenin's Tomb from the series 'The Soviet Union' © Paul B Goode
The Soviet Union
I traveled to the Soviet Union 10 times from 1988-1992. I was there working with the Kirov and Bolshoi Ballets. When not in the theatres I wandered the streets photographing strangers and the people I met. It was a dark but exciting time for that country. Bread lines were long. The store shelves were empty. The winds of change were in the air and there was for the first time the possibility of freedom. You could see both despair and hope in the faces of the people. Most important their emotions were honest. It is that truth I sought to capture.
Paul B Goode's Website
Merit Award’s Gallery
Larry Snider (United States)

Young Tibetan Woman at Temple Gate from the series 'Tibet' © Larry Snider
I made 5 trips to Tibet over a period of time and was totally fascinated. Most of my trips were in the Qinghai province which is quite rural compared to the area near Lhasa. People told me that if I wanted to see what Tibet was like before China, you should go to Ladakh so I went there many times but returned to the more remote areas of Tibet away from Lhasa.
Nicola Ducati (Italy)

Red Girl With Turban from the series 'My Red Pamir' © Nicola Ducati
My Red Pamir
They live in the dust of the high altitude deserts but seem to be queens. I met the red women for the first time in the high mountains of Afghanistan.
The Kyrgyzy are a minority of 1200 people scattered throughout the vast territory of Pamir. They hosted us for the night, they offered us their bread,
they warmed us with their fireplaces, they gave us a moment of their life without knowing how precious it was.
A testimony of a slow and inexorable farewell. Every winter many of them are lost forever, the snow blanket leaves large gaps because of too cold or because of too much opium to bear it.
Nowadays the West has abandoned the peoples of Afghanistan to their fate.
The red of the traditional kyrgyzy clothes now becomes a deeper red, a prediction of incoming many dark days.
The gaze of this girl now takes on a very strong meaning, a testimony and a symbol of those who are asking us for help,
for herself and for all Afghan women. The arrival of the Talibans is also imminent up here among the plateaus and the peaks of the small Afghan Pamir,
someone try to escape but in the mountains winter is already imminent.
Her eyes look deeply into the whole West. Peoples and ethnic groups as old as the earth are about to fall into the abyss.
These pictures are just a little part of the 'My Red Pamir' series, a work I did in Afghanistan during the last months of freedom.
All about Nicola Ducati
France Leclerc (United States)

Proud Wodaabe Boy from the series 'The Wodaabe, nomads of the Sahel' © France Leclerc
The Wodaabe, nomads of the Sahel
The Wodaabes are nomadic cattle herders, and as such, they depend entirely upon their herds of cattle for their existence. Young boys cannot wait to help herd the cattle, which they typically can start doing at age seven. This young boy conveys his pride in reaching that stage by standing in front of the clan's beloved big-horned Zebu cattle.
All about France Leclerc
Hoang Long Ly (Vietnam)

Bamboo Basket Seller © Hoang Long Ly
The most well-known of Tat Vien village, Hung Yen province - the North of Vietnam, was the bamboo basket for fishing, it was a simple tool made by bamboo, rhombus and flexible so that the farmer could lay it under stream to cacth the small fish.
This traditional craft had been handed over many generations in Tat Vien village during 200 years, all the members of Mr. Bac's family would be so skillful to complete any stage of weaving, after a couple weeks of working, all the baskets would be loaded as many as possible on his bicycle then he started moving around the region for selling.
The bamboo basket was not only a manual labor tool but also a decorated item for interior design of hotel, restaurant and shop recently.
All about Hoang Long Ly
Jordi Cohen (Spain)

Lag Baomer from the series 'Believers' © Jordi Cohen
Ladies separated from men by a fence, celebrating Lag Baomer in the Orthodox Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem. Lag Baomer is a festival which is celebrated by all manner of Jewish communities around the world. The festival itself commemorates two historical events according to Jewish tradition: the passing of revered Second Century sage Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, who ordained that the anniversary of his death be a time of rejoicing at his life; and the end of a plague which killed some 24,000 students of another great rabbi, Akiva Ben Yosef (who lived around the same time as Bar Yochai).
All about Jordi Cohen
Ted and Nune ( United States)

Promise of Storm from the series 'Feeling Winter' © Ted and Nune
Feeling Winter
The project, Feeling Winter, is about the waning human presence against a backdrop of extreme weather. Muted winter light and minimalistic scenes can be charged with trepidation, solace and melancholy; how we view these landscapes often reflects our emotional state. This photograph was taken as we were approaching a storm during our 2019 winter road tour through Armenia. The sole cloud announcing the coming blizzard toys with our imagination.
All about Ted & Nune
Kimmo Sahakangas (United States)

Encountering Stillness, Nazareth TX from the series 'Encountering Stillness' © Kimmo Sahakangas
My photography observes an evolving built environment… contextualizing the vast American landscape with a focus on transitional places and spaces. The absence of people enhances the portrayal of visual drama. Some of the more favored subject matter is roadside business establishments which epitomize the road trip experience. In my travels off the interstate, I would find such visual matter in the landscape... on a two-lane road allowing a slower pace without any particular destination in mind.
All about Kimmo Sahakangas
Johan Gerrits ( Netherlands)

Mundari children preparing the cow dung fires from the series 'Daily life in a Mundari cattle camp' © Johan Gerrits
The Mundari people, from South Sudan, are cattle herders as well as fierce warriors. They live in symbiosis with their cattle and nothing is more important for them than their cows. In the cattle camps, kids are doing most of the daily work. Kids collect the fresh cow dung and put it into piles which are then set on fire to protect them and the cows against mosquitoes. The Mundari also use the ash created by these fires to rub themselves and their cattle, creating a protection against the mosquitoes.
All about Johan Gerrits
Monica Testa (Italy)

The wait from the series 'Protea' © Monica Testa
This photo represents waiting of a mother for her pregnant daughter in the middle of the night, in Benin.
Sujon Adhikary (Bangladesh)

Sailor of Red Chilies Sea © Sujon Adhikary
A farmer is going home after laying out red chilies on plastic sheets evenly under the bright sunlight . During the harvesting season which lasts for two month Ton's of chilis are laid out to dry creating a patchwork effect on open green fields in Panchagarh, a district in Northern Bangladesh.
Animesh Ray (United States)

Gladys of Amantini from the series 'Peru, Impressions of its people' © Animesh Ray
Gladys in her kitchen on the island of Amantini, Lake Titicaca. She speaks Quecha.
Dede Pickering (United States)

Clarity from the series 'Arctic Misty Morning' © Dede Pickering
Scoresby Sund in Northeast Greenland is a magical place in the Arctic. The challenge is capturing the fragile beauty of existence. The icebergs and their reflections spoke to me about impermanence. One minute they appeared out of the morning mist and the next moment they were gone. Erased by the wind as though they never existed. Like actors on stage the curtain of mist was pulled back revealing something awe inspiring and before you could fully capture it the curtain closed again. Mother nature never disappoints and challenges us to ask ourselves difficult questions. The reflection we see is the one within.
Matty Karp (Israel)

Waiting For Christmas Mass from the series 'Lalibela Christmas' © Matty Karp
During the first days of January, thousands of Ethiopian Orthodox Christian pilgrims go to the city of Lalibela to visit the ''New Jerusalem''. This holy city is composed of 11 interconnected churches carved by hand that are connected through a series of labyrinths and tunnels..The first days of January mark the celebration of Genna , which is the Christmas version of the Ethiopian calendar. The site was built in the 12th century by King Lalibela.
Julien Coomans (Belgium)

Fishing Hut from the series 'Fishing Huts, Fouras, France' © Julien Coomans
I traveled to Fouras on the west coast of France to photograph some unusual but picturesque fishing huts that are dotted along the coast line. Central to my vision was to take a series of long exposures in order to set a tranquil scene and emphasise the elegant wooden structures.
The first day was miserable - windy and a lot of rain - yet despite this I was amazed by the beauty of the huts. Undeterred, I used my time to study the scene and find my compositions, ready to pounce when conditions were just right. The hardest part about finding the right compositions was avoiding stretches of land on the horizon as the bay curves quite dramatically. I had to find the perfect balance between fishing hut, weather conditions and the horizon line beyond. After finding my compositions my next challenge was to watch out for the tide times. I had to shoot as the tide was going out not only to physically be able to take the shot but to be sure I was safe.
On the second day the conditions improved and I had my window between outgoing and incoming tides. The wind had died down making the water much calmer which was better as I could keep the exposure down to a few minutes to try and improve my chance of avoiding any tripod wobble. After shooting my pre-scouted compositions and checking the LCD screen for sharpness I packed up and went for a well earned beer!
Jim Esposito (United States)
Photo series from a shoot on Cape Cod capturing images of an Oyster Farmer.
Barry Guthertz (United States)

Painted Desert #1 from the series 'Arizona's NE Corner' © Barry Guthertz
The unconventional sandstone landscapes found in Northern Arizona speak to the very core of my being. Within a 100 mile radius there are literally dozens of otherworldly places to visit. Monument Valley, White Pocket, Painted Desert, Canyon De Chelly, The Wave, Antelope Canyon, and South Coyote Buttes to name a few.
Under the top layer of sandstone you often find a multi-colored chaos of swirling reds, yellows and oranges that create breathtaking land formations of domes, hoodoos, gullies and slot canyons. When I'm in their midst I feel a sense of wonder that calls on me to sit quietly and contemplate their mysterious beauty. Northern Arizona has become a place for inspiration as well as for introspection.
All about Barry Guthertz
Robi Chakraborty (India/United States)

Vaishnavs from the series 'Krishna' © Robi Chakraborty
This set of photographs were taken in Vrindavan and Mathura the birthplace of Lord Krishna. I focused on the devotees who descended on the famous Krishna temple to pay homage and prayers.
In this image, a priest stands amongst a group of Vaishnavs. Vaishnavs are a sect of Krishna followers in Hinduism.
All about Robi Chakraborty
Antoine Buttafoghi (France)

Alone in the world from the series Kalaallit Nunaat © Antoine Buttafoghi
Carole Glauber (Israel)

From the series 'Lapland Journey' © Carole Glauber
The Arctic Circle cuts across Lapland with a palette of frigid winter light where colors are subtle and make a statement. With seven months of winter, such an environment heightens an awareness of isolation, vulnerability and trust. Yet, it provides an opportunity to inspire and strengthen our inner selves, to self-reflect and observe our passage in time, both in a literal sense, and metaphorically. Our experiences reflect our personal odysseys as we move from a place we know to one that we are just discovering.
Trevor Messersmith (United States)

Legendary from the series 'Legends of the Desert' © Trevor Messersmith
Legends of the Desert is a series of high-contrast black and white photographs taken in Las Vegas. Vegas is the most American of city concepts - it is a distillation of other places, repackaged for easier consumption. Performers impersonate other performers. Architecture approximates other architecture. Money ravages money. I have to admit I'm intoxicated by the experience - as easy as it is to see its seams, the spectacle of Las Vegas is still something to behold. The drama of the desert heat and the allure of glittering surfaces are as exciting as they are dangerous.
All about Trevor Messersmith
Melissa Stewart (Australia)

Winter in Wooden © Melissa Stewart
Winter in Woodend is cold, -3 degrees on this day. I wake early and set off not too far away as we can only travel five kilometres from home. Along a dirt road I have travelled before, through these encompassing white clouds the landscape looks remarkably different. My imagination eludes me and I am misguided into believing this is the Wilderness. The heavy fog reduces the surrounding landscape, suffused by the early morning light, thinking I am remote and distant from any human connection.
All about Melissa Stewart
Debbie Smyth (United Kingdom)

Never Free from the series 'Life's a rush' © Debbie Smyth
The fascinating city of Tokyo is home to around 14 million people and the overriding feeling that grabs me when I arrive is that I must join the evermoving crowds. The hurrying hordes, the neon signs and bright lights, the dense traffic, all make it feel impossible to pause for just one moment. It is this constant hustle and bustle that I have captured in my Life's a Rush project.
In Never free this seemingly lone man looks to have escaped the pressures of the urban daily rush, but on closer inspection his dark shadow is seen to be engulfed by crowds of people in the neon signs reflected at his feet. We are left questioning the line between vision and reality.
Don Jacobson (United States)

Pontochoco-dori Shop Display from the series 'An Intimate View of Japan' © Don Jacobson
What struck me about my travels in Japan was how their culture paid so much attention to detail. The shrines, temples and gardens were meticulously crafted with an aesthetic that was beautiful and harmonious. This aesthetic was evident in a display of goods for sale as illustrated in Pontochoco-dori Shop Display.
All about Don Jacobson