We're delighted to reveal the names of the 25 talented photographers who won "''AAP Magazine #28: Streets''" They come from 14
different countries and 4 continents!
Robert Doisneau wrote
''The marvels of daily life are exciting; no movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street.''
And we were not disappointed by all the wonderful images that we received!
For this 28th edition of AAP Magazine, we were looking for the heart and soul of a society and its people. Whether photographed in the countryside, or in an urban setting, the images we chose reflect the diversity of the photographers background and approach to street photography. The twenty-five selected photographers have many talents, an eye for detail, light and composition. Thanks to their ability to grasp decisive moments, they allowed us to become a spectator of their wanderings, a curious observer of people's behavior.
Selecting the winners was certainly not an easy task, there were so many incredible single shots from around the world, but in the end we hope you will all enjoy this collection of weird and wonderful stolen moments.
The Winner of AAP Magazine 28 Streets is Olga Karlovac (Croatia) with her series Escape
Published in ‘escape’, the final chapter in a trilogy of books, ‘rain man’ is both part of a visual journey through the streets of Zagreb and a personal chronicle of life before and during lockdown.
By blurring the lines between reality and poetic interpretation, and working exclusively in black and white, Olga Karlovac's photography takes on a dreamlike quality. Her abstracted images invite the viewer to linger, lose track of time as she leads us down winding streets, recognising the familiar within the barely there.
All about Olga Karlovac
The Second Place Winner is Argus Paul Estabrook (United States) with his series Fare Adjustment

Tokyo Metro Ticket Booth © Argus Paul Estabrook
Shot in Tokyo, “Fare Adjustment” captures various facets of its urban environments to describe a state of mind more than the city itself. During this time, I traveled to Japan to mentally escape from the extraordinary personal turmoil that was affecting my life — the passing of my father and the infidelity of my wife. These two events devastated me and made me struggle with the idea of having a safe place to call home. There was an intense need to be someplace where I could forget myself or disappear. Trying to transverse this emotional landscape, I found myself haunting the streets of Tokyo the same way my broken heart felt. This street photography series is a poetic expression of being lost and struggling to find oneself again.
All about Argus Paul Estabrook
The Third Place Winner is Anna Biret (France) with the image Electric Girl

Electric Girl © Anna Biret
14/06/2022 ARMENIA
Suddenly there was a very strong wind before the oncoming storm. Various elements on the streets began to fly in the air, people were looking for some shelter so that something would not fall on them, I also ...
Suddenly I saw this woman who made an impression that she was in a completely different, peaceful environment, an amazing contrast to the situation where people were rushing, seeking refuge.
When I go out into the street with my camera, I have no idea exactly what I want to photograph.
A priori I am interested in everything, ordinary scenes, details, light, colors, shapes, and above all, people inspire me.
I like being very close to them, I respect everyone, I don't want to attack them, I discreetly adapt to the existing situation to capture their natural expressions
My presence is accepted why I don't know.
I like to photograph people in their everyday surroundings, natural behavior, taking candid street photos, simplifying the chaotic mess of life with a sense of beauty to bring out some mystery and order, capturing those moments that make every moment of life beautiful.
When I take pictures, I feel that something magical is happening to me and the world around me.
I can't explain it.. It seems, that it's a necessity to create.. I'm inspired by these spontaneous meetings that can only take place on the street.
All about Anna Biret
Winners featured in the Merit Award's Gallery
Vincent Soyez (France/United States)

On Broadway, Manhattan © Vincent Soyez
I am a disciplined flâneur.
Each single image is a one small jigsaw, the way single words are part of a complex novel.
Small pieces of the Big Puzzle.
All About Vincent Soyez
Hans Severin (Germany)
I like people and their stories. I’m constantly observing the world around me, never looking for the perfect image though. A good street photograph is both emotionally touching and entertaining. For me street photography is a passion>
Elena Alexandra (Spain)

Grounded © Elena Alexandra
Grounded is a photograph of a little boy´s feet. He is rising up on his tiptoes, being curious about happenings around him. This photograph is about a life journey, that is a balance between curiosity, eagerness to grow, and connection to the earth, groundness.
In my photography, I am drawn to rich, bold colors, strong contrasts, and emotions I encounter on the streets. I like the depth and intensity. I see much sense in beauty. Bruce Gilden once said, “If you can smell the street by looking at the photo, it’s a street photograph.” Some of my street shots smell rather like fine perfume. It’s a gentle gaze I stand for. While there is much suffering in life, I believe you can find beauty everywhere. I am touched and moved by the ordinary magics surrounding us. I want to share them, so I am taking a shot
Antonio Denti (Italy)

London Bridge Is Down (On the Emotional Life of Nations) © Antonio Denti
London 2022.
The Queen is dead. The Royal sailors, not the elite corps, escort the coffin. The new King follows. The ancient ritual, so out of time, is surprisingly powerful. Like all rituals, made so that the people can see. See that the world stood the shock and is ready to enter the unknown smoothly, peacefully, immediately. Everything flows around the ritual: the procession, the mighty army, the endless queue. People seem hungry for meaning and stability. But behind their many eyes, as if peeking through somebody's windows, one can catch a hint of it: history's frightening turmoil. The cold breeze of unstoppable change.
All about Antonio Denti
Pelin Guven (China)

Beijing Swimmers © Pelin Guven
A very old Beijing tradition, these mostly retired men and women swim everyday in Houhai lake even during Beijing’s brutal winter days of below zero temperatures. This not only is a great workout routine for their immune system but also keeps them stay connected with their community and improves their self-esteem thanks to truly fascinated spectators.
All about Pelin Guven
Carol Foote (Australia)

Juxtaposition from the series 'Surfers Paradise Street Life' © Carol Foote
Surfers Paradise is a popular holiday destination in Australia which attracts people from all over the world to enjoy its expansive beaches and to have fun in the sun. It’s also my hometown – and a wonderful place to watch the ever-changing passing parade of visitors. In this series I have tried to document street life in a candid and sometimes humorous way.
All about Carol Foote
Luning Cao (China)
Shot in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. Two kids were playing on the slide, while an old man with a colorful handbag was watching beside.
All about Cao Luning
Elmira Sturki (Ukraine)

Charity Lunch without Troubles for Ukrainian Old men from the series 'Helping Those in Need ' © Elmira Sturki
In difficult times for Ukraine, help centers for those in need began to be created. One such project is Lunch without Troubles. The photo shows a moment with a guest star who helped give out hot meals to the elderly for free.
All about Elmira Sturki
Orna Naor (Israel)
Kapparot is a customary atonement ritual practiced by orthodox Jews on the eve of Yom Kippur. This is a practice in which a chicken or money is waved over a person's head and the chicken is then slaughtered.
All about Orna Naor
Henk Kosche (Germany)

Batman gets off work from the series 'West Coast Road Trip' © Henk Kosche
Las Vegas is a place of amusement and entertainment. The cityscape is deeply artificial, patched together from duplicated fragments of real or unreal places and populated with protagonists from the history or pop culture of the USA and Hollywood. With a lot of luck, we can witness Batman, when he gets off work.
All About Henk Kosche
Joseph-Philippe Bevillard (Ireland)

Running Foal, Dublin, Ireland 2022 from the series 'Mincéirs' © Joseph-Philippe Bevillard
In 2009, I started photographing the Travellers who are an ethnic group at a horse fair in Ireland. I returned to the horse fair the following year to meet them again and to give them some photos I had taken. They gained my trust and invited me to photograph their families and other clans. I am intrigued by their nomadic lifestyle so I decided to visit their caravans, halting sites and roadside encampments. In March 2017, Irish Travellers group have been formally recognized as an ethnic group. Today, they are still facing racism, discrimination, hardship by society and high suicide rates. Travellers are very proud of their culture. I want to represent these people through my photographs. My goal is to continue to work with these families as well as other members that I encounter, and perhaps let the settled people have more understanding of their unique culture.
All about Joseph-Philippe Bevillard
Margo MacArthur (United States)
I saw this man and his dog walking down the street, however, I just wasn't getting the shot I wanted, so I peeled off around a corner to a place I knew always had strong light and shadows. Lucky for me they walked into frame.
All About Margo MacArthur
Carl Young (United States)

Warehouse District Fire © Carl Young
This image was taken early on a Saturday morning in downtown Los Angeles
as members of a photography collective were gathering when (luckily?) a fire
broke out across the street. The storefronts were unoccupied at the time and
a rare opportunity arose to document the process these brave firefighters go
through from arriving on the scene to rolling up their hoses and leaving.
All About Carl Young
Lukasz Korulczyk (Poland)

Summertime Sadness from the series 'Affected by the Sun' © Lukasz Korulczyk
The image is part of the series Affected by the Sun, which shows how the figures in this collection are impacted both directly and indirectly by the sun. The awarded photograph was taken in Warsaw on a sunny August afternoon. In the centre of the frame, we see the reflection of a woman who seems to be sad, a shadow of a man is visible near her, and the entire scene is placed against a cityscape shortly before dusk.
All About Łukasz Korulczyk
Dominik Schulze (Germany)

All I want is you © Dominik Schulze
This picture was taken in a full train compartment from Berlin to Dresden. I almost didn't take it because I doubted taking it but decided to do so. As I couldn't reach my camera in the luggage above me, I had to take it with my smartphone.
All About Dominik Schulze
Massimo Giordano (Italy)

Color your life © Massimo Giordano
I realized this shot while I was in Cesena (Italy).
I found myself in front of this bright sunshine yellow wall, that was creating a beautiful shape with the sky, like a geometrical composition.
On the wall someone draw a very cute rainbow saying: Color your life!
Meanwhile the shadows were projecting onto the street.
Several people riding their bike were passing by: it was the perfect spot to realize some nice silhoutte shots.
With some patience, luck and after various attempts I finally obtained this shot.
Daniel Dorko (Hungary)

Stray picture No. 33. © Daniel Dorko
It's a world of strong black and white inspirations, contrasts that invite the viewer on an inner journey. It gives opportunity to immerse oneself in these strange, foreign atmospheres and evoke forgotten thoughts and memories. Finding answers or, even better, new questions. The pictures do not try to explain anything, they drift like a never-ending journey.
All About Daniel Dorko
Julien Schoener (Germany)

Underground Alienation © Julien Schoener
On my street photography stroll I was just going to end that day going towards a shop, I saw this
skinny woman approaching looking more alien alike and disappearing into the underground within
seconds. To my luck the focus worked out and I managed to capture her. This is the image she left
behind. An impression out of this world.
Rodrigo Paredes (Argentina)

The American Dream? © Rodrigo Paredes
See and photograph different
routes and roads, during my more than 15 trips through the United States,
I was able to observe different types of landscapes, climates and places,
but what caught my attention the most was how many towns or cities
were abandoned when they were built. interstate routes. Few people now
visit those towns, tourists, photographers, I wonder if that was really the
American dream?
All About Rodrigo Paredes
Eric Davidove (United States)

Primary from the series 'Candid Street Moments' © Eric Davidove
A man and woman locked in a loving embrace on Crissy Field Beach during a foggy and cool August afternoon.
All about Eric Davidove
Jon Wollenhaupt (United States)

Artist, North Beach from the series ' Tale of a City: Sab Francisco' © Jon Wollenhaupt
Artist standing in front of City Lights Books in the North Beach neighborhood of San Francisco. This image is part of the series Tales of a City: San Francisco.
All About Jon Wollenhaupt
Liza Botkin (United States)

Schmutz from the series ' Moment' © Liza Botkin
I take pictures where the subjects are weirdly but humorously interacting, in moments that amuse me and make me smile when they come up in the developer.
The top 3 winners will be awarded $1,000.
All winners will have their work showcased on All About Photo Winners Gallery, and published in the printed issue of AAP Magazine
#28 Streets.