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1 in 6 by 2030

1 in 6 by 2030
1 in 6 by 2030
Earth’s population is about to become the oldest it has ever been: by the year 2030, 1 in 6 people will be over the age of 60. This is a historic moment for the world, as individuals, societies and governments confront one of the most fundamental population shifts in human history.

In the seven years leading up to 2030, photographers around the world will show us what it looks like to live in this historic time via a multi-year, visual storytelling archive: 1 in 6 by 2030.

VII photographers Ed Kashi, Ilvy Njiokiktjien, and Sara Terry, who each specialize in long-term projects documenting socio-political issues, launched this initiative to put a human face on the beauty and challenges of an aging population.

The project will feature at least two storytelling chapters a year, and is designed as a collaborative project with photographers working in their own communities around the world. In creating this framework, Kashi, Njiokiktjien, and Terry wanted to emphasize diversity, local representation, cost effectiveness and mindfulness about the impact of travel on the earth’s climate.

The first published, collaborative story is “72,” with more than 30 photo essays from around the world of 72-year-olds. (In recent years, the global median life expectancy rate has hovered around the age of 72.). For this story, photographers found a 72-year-old in their community and photographed their daily lives.

Ed Kashi

John Curry receives acupuncture and cupping treatments by Dr. Jeng Kuan in Matawan, New Jersey on April 6, 2023. © Ed Kashi

Ilvy Njiokiktjien

Einar Njiokiktjien (71) does a backflip off his houseboat into the water of river De Vecht, in Maarssen, the Netherlands on the 11th of June, 2023. © Ilvy Njiokiktjien

Photographers Ed Kashi and Ilvy Njiokiktjien, have both had a long interest in issues surrounding aging. They invited photographer Sara Terry, their colleague from VII Photo, who focuses on long-term projects, to join them in creating a multi-year, visual storytelling archive that documents an unprecedented moment in the history of humankind.

Fatma Fahmy

Barbara Guedel, 72, visits her brother Willy Koenig at his house in the neighborhoods of Biel city and looks through their photo archive, as all the pictures she owned were lost when damage occurred to her computer on July 17, 2023, in Biel, Switzerland. © Fatma Fahmy

Global collaboration
1 in 6 by 2030 is designed as a collaborative project with photographers working in their own communities around the world. In creating this framework, Kashi, Njiokiktjien, and Terry wanted to emphasize diversity, local representation, cost effectiveness and mindfulness about the impact of travel on the earth’s climate.

Chiara Negrello

Detail of Mrs. Lan as she puts on her makeup to go out. She is a woman who loves taking care of herself. Tram Chim, July 4; 2023. © Chiara Negrello

Impact and goals
1 in 6 by 2030 aims to support a widespread conversation about this promising – and challenging – era in human history. Launched in 2023, the project will feature at least two storytelling chapters a year from photographers around the world.

We aim to engage editors and provide them with multiple ways of telling these important stories. We welcome partnerships with NGOs, educators, non-profits and others working in this field who are seeking to elevate dialogue, plan for the future and envision ways to create positive change.

Sara Terry

On her 72nd birthday, June 20, 223, Nancy McGuire mugs for a birthday portrait while holding a photo taken of her when she was 42. © Sara Terry

Paolo Verzone

Nikos Korachais, a 72-year-old man living on the Greek island of Andros. Portrait of Nikos in front the Monument to the unknown sailor in Chora Andros. Andros is the northernmost island of the Cyclades. © Paolo Verzone

Sheila Pree Bright

Tina Dunkley at her neighborhood pool. © Sheila Pree Bright

Ed Kashi

John Curry prepares food bags at the St Joseph’s Church pantry, and delivers to Danette Perez Parkasi, 39, in Matawan, NJ on March 29, 2023. He volunteers for St. Vincent DePaul, delivering food from a food bank to local parishioners.© Ed Kashi

Chiara Negrello

Mrs. Lan while dancing by the river in the evening. This is one of the activities she does daily and loves to do to be healthy. Tram Chim June 29; 2023. © Chiara Negrello

Jjumba Martin

Makanga Kamulegeya. © Jjumba Martin

Maíra Erlich

Beatriz Amado and her husband Eduardo. São Paulo, Brazil, Jul. 6, 2023 © Maíra Erlich

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