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The Remarkable Winners of the All About Photo Awards 2024 Revealed

Posted on April 30, 2024 - By Sandrine Hermand-Grisel
The Remarkable Winners of the All About Photo Awards 2024 Revealed
The Remarkable Winners of the All About Photo Awards 2024 Revealed
All About Photo is delighted to announce this year's winners of All About Photo Awards 2024, recognizing the best single images from photographers around the world.

Visionary photographers from around the world, both professional and amateur, shared their unique perspectives and competed for international recognition as the next Photographer of the Year, $10,000 in cash prizes and publication in the printed magazine “Special Edition All About Photo Awards 2024’.

A panel of 6 expert jurors, including Clare Freestone, Curator Photography Department National Portrait Gallery, London UK; Ann Jastrab Executive Director, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA; Klavdij Sluban,Photographer, Founder Le Masterclass; Dewi Lewis Publisher, Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society; Priyo Widdi, Photographer, Winner All About Photo Awards 2023 and Sandrine Hermand-Grisel Photographer, Founder & Editor of All About Photo, have evaluated thousands of entries from all over the world..

Now in its 9th year, All About Photo Awards - The Mind’s Eye has become a reference for discovering new talents and celebrating outstanding photographers. The jurors selected 48 winners who come from 22 different countries and across 3 continents.

Most of this year's submissions were in color, but two in the top five are nevertheless in black and white. It is also notable that only 11 women are amongst the 48 winners, yet they take the top two places. Many submitted images to this year’s competition reflected on the catastrophic events happening in the world, including wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, but also an impressive number of images showing how the world is polluted and urgently needs our care. This final selection is a mix of powerful heartbreaking images alongside more light-hearted ones. Overall, this year’s selection emphasizes strong aesthetics and storytelling..

In ''The Mind's Eye: Writings on Photography and Photographers,'' Henri Cartier-Bresson emphasizes how photographers engage with subjects on the brink of disappearance, highlighting the irreplaceable nature of these captured instants. The five top winning images aptly echo Cartier-Bresson's sentiment, showcasing their mastery in seizing and preserving fleeting moments through photography.

The winning image by Italian photographer Roberta Vagliani feature a captivating scene in black and white in the heart of a humble school in Zanzibar. Here, amidst the absence of desks, chairs, or conventional school supplies, a group of young girls gathers around their teacher. One of them seems distracted by the photographer who took the shot and looks at her in a powerful way. In this image, simplicity and austerity converge to highlight the essence of learning for women: ‘The right to know’. As Nelson Mandela said “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world”.

Véronique De Viguerie captures a young couple on their wedding day, presenting what might have been a traditional wedding portrait, were it not for the stark backdrop of the devastated cityscape of Mosul, Iraq. A poignant depiction of love and war encapsulated within a single frame.

Lieven Neirinck captured a decisive moment in this striking black and white street shot taken in Sanaa, Yemen. In the frame, two men identically dressed in white walks away from us, about to disappear into the shadows of an alley. The skillfully arranged lines in this image contribute to its perfect composition.

Joseph-Philippe Bevillard captures a behind-the-scenes moment between an aunt and her young niece in an Irish kitchen. Elaborately dressed for church, the aunt leans over to adjust her niece's sock, causing the sleeves of her dress to slip off her shoulders. Meanwhile, the niece gazes at the photographer, seemingly displeased with being caught in a moment of being treated like a child.

Victor Wong's image whisks us away to India, freezing a moment in time where a young girl delicately balances on a rope with a long baton, demonstrating her tightrope-walking prowess under the vigilant gaze of her mother at Pushkar, while a line of camels forms the backdrop.

The winner and Photographer of the Year 2024 is Roberta Vagliani (Italy) with ''The right to know''

Roberta Vagliani

The right to know - Zanzibar, October 2012 © Roberta Vagliani

Nelson Mandela said,Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.
This image was taken in a school in Zanzibar, where there are no desks, chairs or school supplies. All these little girls own is a notebook and their memory. Knowledge is passed on to them by a single master. In every person there is the possibility to transform the world.
All about Roberta Vagliani

The second-place winner is Véronique de Viguerie (France) with 'Les mariés de Mossoul'

Véronique de Viguerie

Les mariés de Mossoul - 21st of July 2017 in Mosul East © Véronique de Viguerie

Thoraya and Fahed on their wedding day in front of Fahed's street in Mosul which had been totally destroyed during the 9 months of intense fighting. During the 3 years of occupation by ISIS, the lovers were not able to see each others, neither to have news. The day the city was mostly freed, Thoraya who was living in the West side, in the old city, escaped to meet with her lover. 2 weeks after they are tying the knot, celebrating love and peace at last.

21st of July 2017 in Mosul East, a few days after the Iraki government announce that the city had been freed of ISIS after 9 months of intensive fight which leave the city in a tremendous state of destruction. They were still many Isis sleeping cells all around Mosul and a feeling of fear as well as a feeling of freedom.
All about Véronique de Viguerie

The Third Place Winner is Lieven Neirinck (Belgium) with 'Orchestrated Friendship'

Lieven Neirinck

Orchestrated Friendship -Sanaa - Yemen 1991 © Lieven Neirinck

At the end of the 20th century I traveled several times through Yemen and Oman. I explored 4 years at a row in the summer holidays the southern peninsula of Arabia. I did a research on the vision and feeling of Arabian Exotism. It was a dangerous adventure because the gulf war was striking. Therefor I had to flee out of Yemen because people were furious on everything which was western. I closed my travels in a mysterious archipelago in which concepts such as the “empty quarter” being the most desolate desert and the odor of frankincense and myrrh showing me the way.
Because of these wars this project “Arabia Felix” was put in the fridge. Nobody was interested anymore in these unknown Arabian countries. War was all over. Time flew by and this work was covered with new and daring works. I started a different approach to my creative attitude. Instead of looking for exotism of faraway realities I started to look closeby and did a research by my ordinary life in the form of diaries. These diaries are maintained till now and form the principal artistic basis of my works. Now I travel by bike and on foot and taste the scent of exotism by everyday actions. I see life as one big performance and I like to act.
I forgot all about this Arabian work till now. It was a rediscovery to see my reportage with contemporary eyes. I like to meet people and talk to them. This meeting is the central basis of my approach. I took long walks in the capital city of Sanaa and spoke and laughed together with casual passers-by. A lot of times I ended at home with them drinking tea and coffee. My Arabian knowledge of the language took me everywhere.

The Fourth Place Winner is Joseph-Philippe Bevillard (Ireland) with 'Aunt Doreen and Ellie-Jean'

Joseph-Philippe Bevillard

Aunt Doreen and Ellie - May 2023 near Galway City © Joseph-Philippe Bevillard

Aunt Doreen putting socks on Ellie-Jean before attending religious ceremony in Galway. As part of their Irish Traveller culture, everyone are dressed elaborately to attend special occasions. May 2023 near Galway City at housing estate where Irish Travellers lives. I was asked by the family to photograph an 8 year old girl’s holy communion and everyone was dressed for the occasions.
All about Joseph-Philippe Bevillard

The Fith Place Winner is Victor Wong (Hong Kong SAR China)

Victor Wong

The Performer - November 2019 at Pushkar Camel Fair, India © Victor Wong

During the busy camel fair happening yearly in Pushkar India, there are thousands of tourists and camel buyers gathering around in this normally deserted region of the earth. There would also be varieties of programs, camel races and talent shows by individual street performers to attract people from all over India. The whole event is colourful and joyful.

All About Victor Wong

Particular Merit Award Gallery
John Francis (USA)

John Francis

It Hastens From the Light from the series The Unexpected © John Francis

I often find myself setting out to take photographs with no particular subject in mind. Chance becomes the primary theme of my images, and the photograph becomes an unexpected gift. Boise, Idaho

Emily Fisher (USA)

Emily Fisher

Peacock from the series Natural Tendencies © Emily Fisher

My ongoing body of work Natural Tendencies studies the complex and symbiotic relationship between humans and the natural world. I am acutely aware of the precarious nature of our shifting environment, of the fragility of life and the ephemerality of childhood; and I use my photographs to explore and express this. My roles as mother, wife, artist and environmentalist inform my work.
This image was taken in my backyard in 2022 on a foggy day.

Emeric Lhuisset (France)

Emeric Lhuisset

From far away, I hear the Cossacks’ reply © Emeric Lhuisset

This photograph raises the question of colonialism and the importance of both culture and historical narrative in this war. Here, on the banks of the Dnieper, Ukrainian soldiers reenact Repin's letter to the Sultan with in the center of the photograph the soldier who replied Russian warship go fuck yourself thereby drawing a parallel between past history and the contemporary history of Ukraine.

Manuel Besse (France)

Manuel Besse

With all your might from the series The sun also rises © Manuel Besse

2023 /Clandestine field of gold miners, Rio Jari - Brésil - Contemporary slavery, from debt bondage to forced prostitution and human trafficking.
All about Manuel Besse

Andre Hidayat (Indonesia)

Andre Hidayat

Biggest Floating Solar Panel from the series Cirata Reservoir Floating Solar Panel Powert Plant © Andre Hidayat

One of the largest floating solar panels in Asia, located in Indonesia above the Cirata reservoir. is Indonesia's commitment to clean and renewable energy for a better world.


Elaine Klein (Israel)

Elaine Klein

Birds of a Feather © Elaine Klein

Fabien Dendiével (France)

Fabien Dendiével

Rear Window © Fabien Dendiével

This picture was taken in Belgrade, Serbia. I immediately remembered Alfred Hitchcock's film Rear Window when I was looking at this window. I think this photo shows what photography can be : an exercise of observation, patience and a factor of luck.
All about Fabien Dendiével

Ilaria Miani (Italy)

Ilaria Miani

The little shepherd © Ilaria Miani

Q’ero people lives in remote villages located at an altitude of up to 5.000 mt above the sea level, and they are known as the last living direct descendants of the Incas. Their main source of sustenance consists of potatoes, and raise alpacas, but living in their villages has become harder than ever, since the climate changes had altering the cycle of the seasons, and crops are subject to violent storms just as to great drought. December 2023.

Véronique de Viguerie (France)

Véronique de Viguerie

No Woman's Land © Véronique de Viguerie

She has to be kept anonymous for her own safety, she didn't know her own age (but she looks maybe 15), traumatized she spoke so little. She just arrived at the women shelter in Jalalabad, with her diying newborn. She was sold by her owm father to an old husband who was constantly abusing her. Two nights ago, she managed to escape. If her in-law family found where she is, she will be killed. Just another honor crime.
18th of Nov 2010, in a woman shelter in Eastern Afghanistan. Even before Taliban Regim, the very conservative and traditional society was misogynistic.
All about Véronique de Viguerie

Giovanni Diffidenti (Italy)

Giovanni Diffidenti

Landmine Survivor from the series The Legacy of the Perfect Soldier © Giovanni Diffidenti

Yousif Lado lost both limbs in a mine near the city of Juba, South Sudan. Now he lives with his brother's family. When I met Yousif, he asked us: “Why are you here? Can you solve my problem? I didn't know what to say. Yousif spends most of his time sitting in the yard or outside the gate of his brother's house staring at passing cars or passengers. His amputations are too high to wear any prosthetics and receives no help from his government.
This photo was taken while working for the United Nation in Juba, Sudan, (now so called South Sudan). It is part of a series of images called The Legacy of the Perfect Soldier). It's about landmines survivors around the world. It started in 1992 when I lived in Cambodia and I have documented 17 countries so far. I am a survivors too. In 1994 during the war against the Khmer Rouge I followed the Cambodian soldiers. I was travelling in a tank, at one point I got off the tank and started taking photos, when I returned two soldiers took my place on the tank. I was put on a back of a truck that was part of the convoy, five minutes later the tank detonated an anti-tank mine. Two people died, seven were injured. The two soldiers who took my place died. The commander told me You are very lucky!

Andrea Peruzzi (Italy)

Andrea Peruzzi

The Last Masters of Xingping © Andrea Peruzzi

The magnificent karst peaks scattered throughout the area of the Li River and the village of Xingping reach their maximum splendor at sunset, when sunlight filters through their peaks and reflects in the green waters of this river. At this moment the “master” fishermen, aboard bamboo rafts together with their faithful cormorants, begin to set sail waiting for the darkness of the night, to carry out this spectacular millenary type of fishing. A timeless place and art that although nowadays is represented almost exclusively as folklore for tourists, it is good to remember that even these representations contribute to safeguarding the historical memory and local cultural traditions.
This photograph was taken in August 2015, in China. It was one of my first trips with a camera and a backpack. One evening while I was walking along the Lì river to go and see a panoramic scene, which is also shown on the Chinese 20 yuan banknotes, I met the fishermen with their cormorants. I didn't know at the time that they were there specifically to be photographed and paid for. They didn't ask me to be paid, but I know that is currently the case. However, I am very fond of this photo which reminds me of a beautiful adventure.

Zhenhuan Zhou (China)

Zhenhuan Zhou

Slam on the Brakes © Zhenhuan Zhou

Barrel racing is a competition where cowgirls ride quickly around barrels; the one that does this in the shortest time wins. Every time a horse reaches a barrel it needs to brake sharply, turn around the barrel and then race to the next one. The whole race is exciting, especially at the turns. Ontario, Canada, 2022.


Jennifer Carlos (France)

Jennifer Carlos

Resilience from the series Back Home © Jennifer Carlos

In their room, Macoumba and his wife Sophia are sitting together. He recalls: While I was in the Foreign Legion, during my rehabilitation at the Institut des Invalides in Paris , I had to relearn the essential gestures, and I often wondered about how I would face others. It was at this point that the desire to return to Senegal came to me, but I had concerns about accessibility and stigma towards people with disabilities. Fortunately, my return was very successful, and I received valuable support. It was also at this time that I met Sophia, with whom I share my life since now 13 years. 2023, Dakar, Senegal
All about Jennifer Carlos

Md Tanveer Rohan (Bangladesh)

Md Tanveer Rohan

Madrasah Education © Md Tanveer Rohan

Madrasah is generally known as a “religious school” . The main focus of the Madrasah education system is Islamic studies and complete Arabic literacy. This photograph was taken from a Madrasah in Narayanganj, Bangladesh in the middle of an ongoing class.

All about Md Tanveer Rohan

Guillaume Petermann (France)

Guillaume Petermann

His majesty the Dragon Blood Tree © Guillaume Petermann

Due to its isolation, Socotra island has become a treasure house of biodiversity: on the 825 plant species identified, 307 are endemic, a rarity on a global scale. The most famous gem is called “Draceana cinnabari”, aka dragon blood tree. This kind of tree is a vestige of a prehistoric flora. It is famous for its blood-red sap, used in dyeing, in cosmetics, or as a medicinal remedy. With its woven foliage in the shape of a giant parasol, the dragon blood tree is impressive. It is very resistant and can live up to a thousand years.

Beamie Young (USA)

Beamie Young

Lost from the series The Oregon Coast © Beamie Young

I wanted to capture the timeless qualities of vapor, sea, and landforms. August 2021, Cannon Beach, Oregon. Early foggy morning on Cannon beach with Haystack rock, including a human counterpoint.
All about Beamie Young

Pedro Luis Ajuriaguerra (Spain)

Pedro Luis Ajuriaguerra

Reflection Pole Vault - Meeting International Bilbao © Pedro Luis Ajuriaguerra

The pole vaulter makes his final jump, decisive to proclaim the winner of the event. The moment is captured in the reflection generated by the intense rains on the ground.
All about Pedro Luis Ajuriaguerra

Silvia Alessi (Italy)

Silvia Alessi

The Cut - January 2nd 2023, Sulaymaniyah, Headquarter of Komala Party © Silvia Alessi

On September 13, 2022, 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini was arrested by Tehran's morality police for wearing the veil inappropriately. A few days later, she died under suspicious and unclear circumstances. This sparked widespread protests throughout Iran. It was a true rebellion of the hair, as if they forcefully wanted to break free and dance in the wind after years of suppression. They became a symbol of denied civil liberties. Modesty and tradition cannot be imposed through force without losing any moral value, and instead becoming pure oppression. I portrayed Iranian Kurdish girls who escaped to Iraq through the mountains in a risky journey and found refuge in the military organization of the Kurdish party Komala. Despite being in exile and lacking resources, they fight against the regime in Tehran. In my vision, the hair of these young soldiers, depicted in their small dormitory and training camp, breaks free from the veil. It emerges in a wild and untamed manner, asserting their freedom to breathe, to exist. It's as if alongside civil liberties, there is also room for expressive freedom: the freedom of art, of hairstyling, of beauty. To me, showcasing hair in many different ways is creating art, and I find nothing more liberating than that.
All about Silvia Alessi

Andreas Kanellopoulos (Greece)

Andreas Kanellopoulos

The house of days gone © Andreas Kanellopoulos

The image portrays the 86-year-old Vasiliki Lambrou inside her parents' bedroom which seems like it's frozen in time ,along with her beloved goat Foustano The photograph was taken on October 26 2023 in the village Mouresi of Pelion, during the chestnut harvest.

Mauro De Bettio (Italy)

Mauro De Bettio

Makoko © Mauro De Bettio

Makoko, the world's largest floating slum with over 300 thousand residents, faces severe challenges like a lack of infrastructure and essential services. Situated in Lagos, Africa's largest economic hub, Makoko's stilt houses serve as both homes and the sewage system for the city's 20 million inhabitants. The community also grapples with poverty, limited education, and healthcare disparities, compounded by complex issues of land tenure and government recognition. Despite these obstacles, Makoko residents display remarkable unity, collaborating to not only survive but thrive in their challenging environment, fostering a deep sense of belonging.
All about Mauro De Bettio

Alain Schroeder (Belgium)

Alain Schroeder

Plastic Treasure 09 © Alain Schroeder

Recycling plastic in Dhaka is a significant environmental effort. Locals play a crucial role in collecting, separating, and selling plastic to recycling facilities, contributing to reducing plastic pollution and generating income. NGOs promote plastic recycling awareness and education, encouraging proper disposal. The government has taken steps, like banning single-use plastic bags. Challenges remain but Dhaka's commitment to addressing plastic waste's environmental impact is evident.
All about Alain Schroeder

Maria Bratan (Moldavia)

Maria Bratan

Girls from Gagauzia from the series Culture of Gagauzia and its traditions © Maria Bratan

Portrait of girls in traditional dresses. The purpose of the shooting is to preserve ancient traditions and pass on our culture to future generations.
The photo was taken in late autumn 2021 in the village of Beshgioz. The purpose of this photo shoot is to preserve the culture and traditions of the Gagauz people.


Lieven Neirinck (Belgium)

Lieven Neirinck

Captivity vs Freedom - Coast of Oman 1992 © Lieven Neirinck

Because of these wars this project “Arabia Felix” was put in the fridge. Nobody was interested anymore in these unknown Arabian countries. War was all over. Time flew by and this work was covered with new and daring works. I started a different approach to my creative attitude. Instead of looking for exotism of faraway realities I started to look closeby and did a research by my ordinary life in the form of diaries. These diaries are maintained till now and form the principal artistic basis of my works. Now I travel by bike and on foot and taste the scent of exotism by everyday actions. I see life as one big performance and I like to act.
I forgot all about this Arabian work till now. It was a rediscovery to see my reportage with contemporary eyes. I like to meet people and talk to them. This meeting is the central basis of my approach.
I went to Oman to proceed my journey in search of frankincense. The coastline shows me little fisher communities. In Al Khaburah I met this fishermen preparing his nets for the catch. When I ask how big the fish are they catch, a child climbs up the roof of a hut and shows me the tail of a huge fish..

Yannick Gouguenheim (France)

Yannick Gouguenheim

Prince in the making - Common toad in the Lamalou river (Hérault department) © Yannick Gouguenheim

Amphibians live both terrestrial and aquatic lives. This is the very origin of the word amphibian, which in ancient Greek means double life. So, during the larval phase and the reproduction period they are aquatic, while the rest of the time they live on land. The prince transformed into a toad in the fable reflects the bad reputation of the species. Is it because of the parotoid glands that contain venom and give him that warty appearance? But the toad is a remarkable amphibian and an essential part of the ecosystem. Nocturnal and carnivorous, they hunt small insects and worms. They hibernate during the cold season in a cavity protected from frost. In early spring, they return to spawning sites such as lakes, ponds, backwaters, pools and rivers.

Dejan Mijovic (Slovenia)

Dejan Mijovic

Fearless © Dejan Mijovic

Being fearless isn't being 100% not fearful, it's being terrified but you do it anyway!
I took this shot when I brought my son to the pumptrack which is situated at the bottom of this hill in the middle of residential area in Ljubljana. Kids were playing with this shopping cart on the top of the hill when we arrived in a car. So I run there to catch this timeless moment - I had literally 30 seconds before the kid went down the hill in the cart. Because of him falling on the way down, nobody else tried it, so I had one and only chance to capture this moment.

Dejan Mijovic on Facebook

Martina Holmberg (Sweden)

Martina Holmberg

On the outside of inside © Martina Holmberg

Emma lost her twin sister to cancer a few years ago. Emma, herself, lived with breast cancer and a chronic brain tumor for many years. She ran an Instagram account where she wrote about her tireless fight against the disease that eventually took her life in January 2023.
The photo was taken in Sweden in 2019. It is a part of my series” On the outside of inside”. In this project, I examine the exterior of the body, its shell; defects, wrinkles, aging and changes as symbols of life, a proof that we have lived. The project also involves people who have suffered from diseases that have changed their bodies both on the inside and the outside.The scars become a constant reminder that the body can suffer from serious illnesses or suddenly stop functioning.The project is a celebration of life and the diversity of bodies and appearances that exist in the world.

Achilleas Chiras (Greece)

Achilleas Chiras

Evros Is Burning © Achilleas Chiras

A local resident watches the wildfire in Avantas village, near Alexandroupolis town, in the northeastern Evros region, Greece, Aug. 21, 2023.
For 17 days the fire burned the Evros from one end to the other. At least 808.7 square kilometers of land were completely burned, according to data from the Copernicus Emergency Management Service. The continuous very high temperatures in combination with strong winds helped the scattered outbreaks outside the city of Alexandroupoli to continue to flare up and get out of control. A front in the core of the forest of Dadia, brought absolute chaos. The areas and distances were huge to be covered by land and aerial firefighting means, which had to deal with another fire, this time in Parnitha, near Athens. The flames passed by villages, usually burning the first houses closest to the forest. Residents until the last moment, tried to direct the few fire engines that were operating. 18 people were burned in the flames, in an inaccessible spot above the village of Avantas. There was ash everywhere, Evros burned. The biggest fire recorded in Europe since 2000, Evros, Greece, August 2023.


Kazutoshi Kawakami (Japan)

Kazutoshi Kawakami

Victim © Kazutoshi Kawakami

Let's not go to war. In an environmentally destroyed planet, there are casualties from it. 2023. (Not an AI Image)

Daniel Sackheim (USA)

Daniel Sackheim

A Salaryman's Night Out, from Unseen © Daniel Sackheim

UNSEEN -This body of work explores life in the shadows of an urban jungle. This pursuit has guided me into a maze of desolate city streets, bathed in the flickering glow of streetlights that seem to scarcely pierce the ominous depths of these urban wildernesses. My inquisitiveness is rooted in a need to discover the secrets that lie hidden deep within even the most forbidding corners of the city. To excavate the past, to stare into the faces of ghosts long forgotten.

In 2014 I found myself Tokyo. One evening, while venturing alone through the labyrinthine streets of Shinjuku, I chanced upon some off-the-beaten- path noodle stands, Turning the corner, my eye caught the presence of a Japanese Salaryman, his back to me, face concealed and shrouded in mystery. It instantly struck me as a cinematic tableau of solitude. Finding myself too far a distance to capture the shot I desired, I began creeping forward, an excruciating inch-by-inch approach. My eye glued to the viewfinder and praying that my advance would escape his notice. Unsettling scenarios began playing out in my head of the man sensing my imminent intrusion. His surprise at seeing a foreigner, camera in hand bearing down on him, might result in panic or worse, yet anger. I’m not brave (or at least I wasn’t at the time) and my thoughts, which turned to impending conflict consumed me, amplifying my anxiety further. At its core, a photograph or serves as an unconscious record of the photographers state of mind at the time the shutter is clicked.
All about Daniel Sackheim

Mahmoud Hams (Palestine)

Mahmoud Hams

Father's hug © Mahmoud Hams / AFP

An injured man holds another injured child, both survivors of Israeli bombardment, while a nurse bandages his head at a trauma ward at Nasser hospital in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip on October 24, 2023 amid the ongoing battles between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas. Thousands of civilians, both Palestinians and Israelis, have died since October 7, 2023, after Palestinian Hamas militants based in the Gaza Strip entered southern Israel in an unprecedented attack triggering a war declared by Israel on Hamas with retaliatory bombings on Gaza.
While dozens of injured people were arriving for reception and emergency at Nasser Hospital in the city of Khan Yunis, he noticed, among them, this father whose daughter was injured. He arrived injured and his daughter was injured, but he still hugged her to calm her down, as he asked the doctors not to pay attention to him and to begin treating his daughter while she was in his arms

All about Mahmoud Hams

Damian Lemański (Poland)

Damian Lemański

Girl with a dog from the series Kids of Lunik IX © Damian Lemański

Roma girl living at Lunik IX, while playing with a dog. Her girlfriend tries to cover her face from taking the photo. 'Kids of Lunik IX' is a series of photos of children and teenagers living at Lunik IX - a district in Košice, Slovakia, almost entirely inhabited by Roma people. Among few thousand (3,500 - 6,000) inhabitants live more than 1,000 children. They live in unworthy conditions, sometimes with a dozen or so family members, nestling in twenty square meters. Children living at Lunik IX live like in the ghetto, but often do not see it like that, playing with joy and smiling.
February 11, 2017 / Kosice, Slovakia / It was already quite a dark winter afternoon when I was walking around the settlement. I saw this girl by the wall among other children, came closer and started to photograph her and her dog. After maybe a minute her friend put a hand between my camera and her face saying that's enough. Her hand with the eye of the girl with the dog between the fingers did this photograph.
All about Damian Lemański

Sandro Maddalena (Italy)

Sandro Maddalena

The Barricade from the series The Battle of Kyiv © Sandro Maddalena

The photograph was taken during the Maidan protests, which resulted in the deaths of over 100 people and the flight of President Viktor Yanukovych. In the image you can see one of the protesters who has just burned a tire to worsen the visibility of the snipers stationed in the surrounding areas.
18 February 2014 in the very center of Kyiv. Violent clashes between protesters and police

Jabin Botsford (USA)

Jabin Botsford

Failure to Thrive © Jabin Botsford

Tiffany Moore, a single mother in Sedalia, Missouri, returned to her hometown a decade ago to heal from her mother's death. Now 33, she faces the challenges of caring for premature twins, one of whom has medical issues requiring frequent trips to Kansas City for treatment. Supported by her father and friends, Moore finds strength in her community as she navigates the difficulties of parenthood alone. Despite the hardships, she remains determined to provide a happy life for her children, acknowledging the struggle but embracing the joy they bring her.

John T. Pedersen (Norway)

John T. Pedersen

I am not a victim, I am a survivor © John T. Pedersen

May 21, 2009 was Gloria Kankunda (38) subjected to an acid attack from an unknown “hitman» outside her home in Kampala. After the first emergency treatment in her home country, she was flown to Cape Town, South Africa for further treatment. She stayed there for almost two years, before returning back to Kampala.
Acid is a very effective and affordable way to inflict great harm and suffering on people. It is easily accessible and costs no more than around 1 USD. 90 percent of the victims are women, and the attacks usually happen because a woman has either rejected a man, or wants out of the relationship. In cases where men are affected, it is almost always business-related. Less than fifty percent of the attackers are identified, even fewer than this are brought to justice. Among these, only a few are actually convicted, and have to serve a prison sentence, and the authorities today do little to bring the serious problem to life.
The attention from the authorities has come and gone. They do not respond in a coordinated way. A few years ago there was great interest, but it has more or less disappeared. Politicians and government officials do not care enough, because the topic feels distant from themselves. Image text.
At home in her living room, she displays a portrait of herself before the attack occurred.
At that time, I had long, beautiful hair, says the 38-year-old.
Those who survive attacks often have major injuries, both physically and mentally. Gloria herself fought hard not to fall into a deep depression, and to be able to return to society.

Eric Davidove (USA)

Eric Davidove

It’s Miller Time © Eric Davidove

This candid street photo portrays an intense bond and surreal parallel between a man and his four-legged friend. Dec 30, 2023, Venice Beach, California, during a seasonably warm winter day.
All about Eric Davidove

Gerdie Nurhadi (Indonesia)

Gerdie Nurhadi

Getting Ready from the series Paralympic Athlete © Gerdie Nurhadi

Sofian, A paralympic swimming athlete from Indonesia getting ready before training.
22 April 2018 , Kolam Renang Tirtomoyo Manahan, Training Session for Paralympic Athlete in a public swimming pool.


Georgi Georgiev (Bulgaria)

Georgi Georgiev

Ladybug © Georgi Georgiev

The magical hidden world of ladybugs- The photo is taken in Nature Park Strandzha Mountain

Francesco junior Mura (Italy)

Francesco junior Mura

She is Bagheera © Francesco junior Mura

The first obstacle of the course is the moment I prefer most of all. There, where it all begins, where the bond between Human and Dog is expressed in such a clear way by such a magnetic look. Agility Dog is trust, is respect, Agility Dog is togetherness. Taken during an AgilityDog competition, Varese Italy
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Alessandro Deluigi (Italy)

Alessandro Deluigi

Spectacular noise © Alessandro Deluigi

A little boy, sitting on the top of a slide, plugs his ears to the deafening noise of the spectacular Italian Tricolour Arrows. The light blue and dark blue tones combine perfectly under the summer sun, whilst the airplanes' white trails in the sky depict two mirrored semi-circles, that shortly thereafter they will create a heart.
For the past couple of years I have been going to photograph the tricolour arrow display in my city, Rimini. I really enjoy this event. So far, shots have come out of it that I think are interesting, Spectacular Noise is one of them. This year, in June, I will go back because my intention is to create a photo series.

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Ahmed El Hanjoul (Germany)

Ahmed El Hanjoul

This is my eye © Ahmed El Hanjoul

A village woman from Lebanon, her face is full of wrinkles. Her hands are clearly tired. She holds her chicken as if it were a piece of her. Lebanon 2021

Zay Yar Lin (Myanmar)

Zay Yar Lin

Lone Traveler © Zay Yar Lin

A nomadic camel herder was seen in the Mongolia Gobi Desert during sunset. Mongolian pastoral nomads, dependent on animals for survival, migrated seasonally for water and grass. Their lifestyle, marked by constant movement, posed challenges, preventing them from storing reserves of essential items, making survival reliant on the unpredictable resources of their changing habitats. October 2023, Mongolia Gobi Desert during sunset.
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Emily Marie Wilson (USA)

Emily Marie Wilson

Sunrise Shepherdess from the series Omo River Valley, Ethiopia Africa © Emily Marie Wilson

A young Omo village girl helps her family and other villagers, take animals to the field, at sunrise. She is carrying a baby goat, recently born.
Early Morning, Sept 17, 2019. I went to take animals to the fields with herders, their families.
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Deba Prasad Roy (India)

Deba Prasad Roy

Child worker resting after hard work © Deba Prasad Roy

The Photograph was taken in a Municipal Dumping Ground in Howrah, state – West Bengal, Country – India. This Child worker is regularly working at a plastic & metal sorting store situated on the street near the dumping site. These waste plastics supplied by the scavengers / collectors, who are collecting from the dumping ground. The child workers sort these into different silos, i.e. Plastics / Metal / Fabrics / Papers / etc. Every product which can be RE-CYCLED. In this photograph we see the child worker is resting after hard work. I shot this photograph to show the poor economic and unhealthy conditions of these downtrodden child workers all over India.
The Photograph was taken in a Municipal Dumping Ground in Howrah, state – West Bengal, Country – India
All about Deba Prasad Roy

Ares Jonekson (Indonesia)

Ares Jonekson

Night in Pandemic Time - October 9, 2020 at the Public Cemetery Pondok Ranggon Jakarta Indonesia © Ares Jonekson

Some funeral officers for covid-19 remains are taking a break by watching entertainment from the smartphones or having a chat with their during this pandemic time, they have buried at least 30-40 remains of suspects or those who were declared positive for Covid-19 in every day and some officers said they even had buried up to 50 remain. There is no definite information for them on the number of remains that will be buried every day, they were asked to be always standby at the location most of the times and wait for the arrival of the hearses. The increasing number of casualties due to the pandemic is draining the energy of these officers.
They should wear hazmat suit every time their buried the remains of a COVID patient. But during the grave hole digging process they only wear masks and gloves. The hot weather makes it impossible for them to wear hazmat suit for the whole day, this will make them dehydrated and reduce their immune system.
They hope that the Covid-19 pandemic will end soon so live can be back to normal.

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Rémi Vinas (France)

Rémi Vinas

Cave rescue from the series Doctors of the extreme © Rémi Vinas

Every day, healthcare professionals step into the fray to care for individuals in perilous situations. Specializing in medical interventions in “hostile” environments, they operate tirelessly, day and night, ensuring a seamless continuum of care within the conventional prehospital system across the entire French metropolitan territory.
Rescue exercise for people in a chasm near Saleich, in Haute-Garonne, 2022.
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