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Photo Contest: Showcase Your Photography in November 2024

Posted on September 28, 2024 - By Sandrine Hermand-Grisel
Photo Contest: Showcase Your Photography in November 2024
Photo Contest: Showcase Your Photography in November 2024
We are excited to announce theSolo Exhibition for November 2024 , offering an exclusive chance for one exceptional photographer to display their work in our dedicated online showroom. From November 1 to November 30, 2024, this Solo Exhibition will provide global exposure for photographers who captivate viewers with their unique perspectives, creativity, and emotional resonance.

Our Solo Exhibition competition is open to all photography categories, including photojournalism, street photography, fine art, portraiture, nudes, landscapes, nature, urban scenes, architecture, fashion, and documentary photography. This is your opportunity to showcase a cohesive body of work that reflects your vision as an artist. To qualify, submit a portfolio of 6 to 14 images for a flat fee of $45.

Being featured in a Solo Exhibition on our platform, recognized as one of the leading online photography magazines, means reaching a vast audience of art lovers and photography enthusiasts worldwide. The winning portfolio will be highlighted across our site, including the Competition Gallery, New Showroom pages, Home Page, and sections such as 'Top Stories', 'Featured Photographer', and 'Photo Exhibitions'.

Beyond exposure, you'll have the opportunity to sell your photography directly to potential buyers, commission-free. In today's growing online art market, this is a rare chance to bypass gallery fees and keep 100% of your earnings.

Additionally, your Solo Exhibition will enjoy a permanent spot in our Online Gallery and Photographers Directory, preserving your work for future audiences. Your photos will also be promoted on our social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and highlighted in our Newsletter.

To maximize your visibility, the winning photographer will receive international press coverage, with past winners featured in prominent outlets such as The Times UK, National Geographic Espana, The Daily Mail, and Digital Camera. The exhibition will also be promoted through platforms like Art Week, Bored Panda, Photophiles, Private Photo Review, and Visura.

Don't miss the opportunity to gain global exposure and international recognition with this November 2024 Solo Exhibition. Enter now, and let your photography stand out to a worldwide audience!

Eric Davidove

They're Grrreat! © Eric Davidove, August 2024 Solo Exhibition

Astrid Reischwitz

©Astrid Reischwitz, November 2020 Solo Exhibition

Manuela Federl

© Manuela Federl, January 2024 Solo Exhibition

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