I’m a studio photographer that works mostly with people. I’m always looking for someone with a different point of view. I like pushing my subjects a bit.
A while back, I met a gymnast who wanted to do a photo shoot dancing with a pole. I managed to put one together and asked if she wanted to stop by my studio and try it out. She thought it would work fine and excitedly wanted to setup a time to come back for a shoot. She came back a few days later and we went to work.
She was great! She managed to whirl herself around that pole so easily. We spent the afternoon shooting and we got some great images.
A few weeks later, I got a call from one of her friends, who saw the images and wanted to come to my studio and work with the pole as well. After a few months, I ended up with about half a dozen women who came to my studio and danced with around that pole.
It turned out the pole was a great idea and I built a small portfolio from the few photo shoots using it.
After I finished all of the printing, I started to look at the images differently. I started to see the poles more as an anchor and wondered if I removed the poles from the images and just concentrated on the dancers flying around the studio. It was a simple idea, but I thought it would be worth trying.
Removing the pole was like removing gravity and it aloud me to concentrate just on their bodies while they’re flying around my studio.
I ended up building two portfolios, with and without the pole.
It was a great project and I thank the women who helped me create some great/fun images.