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Top 5 Tools for Adding Perspective to Photography

Posted on April 11, 2019 - By Sharon Hooper
Top 5 Tools for Adding Perspective to Photography
Top 5 Tools for Adding Perspective to Photography
Experimenting with perspective is always an interesting process, and it may lead to creating compelling, eye-catching results. Ideally, you will plan this aspect in the process of creating engaging composition and framing of your shot, as this is the safest way to control the outcome.

Still, mistakes can happen, and unless you were going for such results intentionally, photographs with distorted perspective are never good news. Luckily, there are several great photo editing tools out there to help you fix this problem quickly and efficiently.

Here is our top 5 pick of powerful software solutions that will offer you a possibility to tweak your shots until they look just right.

1. Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a professional software for creatives developed for the purposes of illustration, photo editing, and graphic design. This amazing tool is considered to be an industry standard, and it will offer you a wide variety of photo manipulation options.

When using Adobe Photoshop, there are two alternatives to solve the perspective distortion issue. The first one is a filter called Lens Correction, and you will easily locate it in the Filter menu. To get better control of the results when using this filter, make sure to check out the Custom section for settings rather than the Auto Correction.

The second option available in Adobe PS is the Free Transform option you will find under the Edit menu. Before using this tool, make sure you selected Show > Grid option under the View menu. Although this option offers more control than the Lens Correction filter, if you aren't an advanced Photoshop user, you might find the Free transform tool a bit trickier to handle.

2. Adobe Lightroom

Another Adobe product that offers great perspective distortion correction is Adobe Lightroom. It's designed to help you import, coordinate, and manipulate your photographs. Adobe Lightroom is an excellent choice for making quick basic changes on your photographs, and its interface is significantly simpler and easier to figure out than the one you will face when using Photoshop.

Upon importing your photo in Lightroom and entering a Develop section, locate the Lens Corrections option. Under this section, you will find 4 additional subcategories: Basic, Profile, Color, and Manual. Under Basic, check Enable Profile Corrections and Remove Chromatic Aberrations.

Check out the provided four modes to improve the perspective further, and pick the option that looks best (Auto, Level, Vertical, Full).

3. PhotoScape X

PhotoScape X is a powerful free photo editing software you can use to cut and edit photos, make collages, choose photo frames, create GIFs, and much more. Rush my essay contributor and photo enthusiast Brad Sterling highly recommends this tool for the photographers who look for great photo editing experience in a free-to-use professional tool.

To set the desired perspective upon importing a photo in PhotoScape X, click on the Crop option in the Edit menu of the program. Under the dropdown menu, locate the Perspective Crop option, and tick the box in front of it. Drag and drop the corners of the selection that will appear over your photograph until you have set the selection well, and then click on the Crop button on the right.

It will take some trial and error to master the Perspective Crop, but you will surely get the hang of it after a few attempts.

4. Pixlr

Pixlr is another great 100% free photo manipulation tool you can find online. It's an easy-to-use software which popularity steadily grows, and here is how to access the perspective correction settings once you have launched the program.

Under the Edit menu, you will find two options you can go for: a Free Transform tool, and a Free Distort tool. The first one allows you to rotate your image, while the second one offers a possibility of handling it further by dragging its corners freely until you are ready to stop editing.

The combination of these tools will sometimes be the best option to fix perspective errors, but using these tools will, just like Perspective Crop in PhotoScape, require some practice.

5. Snapseed

Nerdywriters experts emphasize that, when it comes to creating content of any kind, the quality must never be compromised, even if you must do things quickly and on the go. Therefore, if you are looking for a photo editing tool to enhance your shots directly on your mobile phone, the Snapseed app will prove to be extremely powerful and useful for you. Available on both Google Play and App Store, this handy little app offers a broad selection of photo editing options and a very user-friendly interface.

To correct perspective distortion in Snapseed upon opening your photo in the app, choose the option Tools, and then Perspective. Your image will appear with the grid already set, ready for you to move it up and down, and left and right until it is ready to go.



The way you process your photos depends on several factors, such as your signature style, client's requests, purpose your photos are going to serve, and many others. Before sharing your photographs with the world, however, make sure they are not pixelated, washed out, badly composed, or have a distorted perspective.

With the help of the best photo editing tools listed above, you are sure to get the results you can be proud to show. Make sure to try them out, and let us know which one worked the best for you.

All about Sharon Hooper:

Sharon is marketing specialist and blogger from Manchester, UK. When she has a minute, she loves to share a few of her thoughts about marketing, writing and blogging with you. Currently, she is working as a marketer at UK Assignment Holic You could follow Sharon on Facebook.
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