The new generation of JUST proofStations for large format printing
JUST Normlicht is a pioneer and leading manufacturer of devices for the visual evaluation of colors and surfaces. The accurate color reproduction is an essential precondition for quality assurance in the workflow. Central point is a standardized lighting that creates comparable and reproducible conditions for visual color control. There are only a few large format solutions on the market, which create uniform and standardized lighting conditions. The proofStations of JUST fill this blank. They are designed for large format pints in the graphics industry.
Large-format product range
From entry-level models such as the proofStation 30 Large Format, via Wall Illuminator with backlight, up to the extensible Virtual proofStation Side-by-Side XT for soft proofing applications, JUST has developed models, which satisfy the toughest demands. The new proofStations guarantees a standardized illumination of printed sheets with sizes 6B (140 x 100 cm) and 7B (160 x 110 cm). The proofStations are equipped with the ISO 3664-compliant JUST daylight 5000 proGraphic. This fluorescent lamps achieve top values for chromaticity error and metamerism index. The comfortable SPcontrol of the soft proof versions also features many convenient features such as a continuous dimming, hour meter and storeable brightness values. The asymmetrical design of the JUST moduLight permits exact color control without annoying glare and reflections.
ProofStations 30 and 40 Large Format
For color matching of large-format prints with sizes 6B and 7B, the proofStations 30 and 40 Large Format can be individually equipped with shelves, storage cabinets and side shelves. A soft proof version is available, too. It is showing the printed sheet on rigid-mounted or sliding monitor. For this purpose features the proofStation for soft proofing a SPcontrol with USB interface, which ensures trouble-free communication with monitor calibration software packages. Therefore, the different needs and preferences of each individual can be better met. For applications in high-quality packaging and prints were taken care of, too. Thus, JUST Normlicht provide a UV proof light for both proofStations. Optical brighteners and fluorescent colors can be reliably assessed with them. The proofStations 30 and 40 Large Format are also available as a multiLight version with four light sources (D65, D50, A and TL84) for color control and evaluation of metamerism.
Wall Illuminator
Because of a standard illumination area of 190 x 215 cm, the Wall Illuminator is suitable for color proofing of large-format prints such as exhibition banners or advertising posters. Thanks to ist size and accessibility, the substrates can be easily fastened with magnets on the back wall for color proofing. The Wall Illuminator is available whether or not SPcontrol and dimming, and also available with dimmable backlight. The backlight makes it possible to examine the full area of backlit substrates, such as textiles or transparent print, against the light.
All designs guarantee a standardized and a glare-free illumination across the entire back wall by the unique JUST moduLight technology.
Virtual proofStation Side-by-Side
The Virtual proofStation Side-by-Side BASIC can be extended as needed. The extension station Side-by-Side XT-doubles the standard illumination area of the Virtual proofStation Side-by-Side up to 200 x 70 cm. This is accompanied by an adjustment of the monitor equipment. The monitor mount XT for 2 monitors enables either landscape or portrait orientation. The SPcontrol with USB interface and hour meter of the basic station also controls the dimming of the light of the extension stations. For soft proof applications, the SPcontrol coordinates the brightness of the JUST moduLight and the monitors to an exact luminance match. Each Virtual proofStation Side-by-Side BASIC is equipped with a sliding keyboard shelf, a vented storage cabinet and a bottom cabinet with plenty of storage space for printing tools. The color of the side and rear wall of all large format solutions is Munsell N7 to permit neutral viewing.
About JUST Normlicht
Light pioneer JUST Normlicht is a leading international manufacturer of standard lighting technology. As an innovative and competent partner of graphic and manufacturing industry, JUST Normlicht achieved international reputation with a wide range of products and has become a synonym for standardized lighting for more than three decades. JUST Normlicht technologies, products and applications enable objective visual color control and ensure high quality standard in the graphic arts and manufacturing industry. The products and applications are used daily by over hundred thousand users. In addition, they are all well-known by companies, organizations and educational institutions.