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Best Rising Photographers of July 2021

Posted on August 03, 2021 - By Sandrine Hermand-Grisel
We continue to discover incredible work from photographers that live and travel all around the world. Here is a selection of some incredible images of rising star photographers for this month of July 2021 you can get some creative inspiration from. We hope you enjoy this collection. Thank you for allowing us to discover so many incredible images each month through our different call for entries or spontaneous portfolio submissions.
Vincent Karcher
Vincent Karcher
Vincent Karcher
Vincent Karcher
Vincent is a Portrait and Documentary Photographer.
Nomad for the last decade, he settles sometimes and reflects on his journeys, at a base camp in the Rocky Mountains.
Mostly continuously on a move.
Educated in photography back in Montreal.
He lives now with the sun most days, sometimes the moon too.
His work of environmental portraits observe cultures and contemplate humans across the globe.
Over the years he created an interesting archive of portraits, documenting and looking at different parts of the world on diverse themes and objects.
Colors paint clearly the frame intentionally as black and white use to be his esquisses.
He also looks partially at other subjects.
Always work in progress.
Fabrizio Bonifazi
Fabrizio Bonifazi
Fabrizio Bonifazi
Fabrizio Bonifazi
Fabrizio was born in Rome in 1984.
He joined the photographic association La Compagnia della Foto in 2014 where, with the other members, he deals with photography courses, workshops, photographic trips and exhibitions.
He is a self-taught photographer, he appreciates photography in its entirety, but he loves black and white street photography.
Up to now his photographs have been published on various Italian and international realities, both on web platforms and in print.
He has exhibited in various locations in Rome, including the Oriental Festival and the Museum of Civilizations.
He collaborates with the YouTube channel Biblioteca Fotografica, where he interviews photographers, journalists and photo editors.
Gabriella Aragon
Gabriella Aragon
Gabriella Aragon
Gabriella Aragon
United States
I am an artist with a concentration in photography and experimenting in post-production, color, and light. I like to work with many mediums and have created props, sets, and accessories to incorporate into my work. I enjoy learning and exploring which has led me to create many characters in self-portraits and portraits of others. Traditionally trained in advertising, I also continue to photograph still lifes that explore natural light. When I am not photographing, you can find me weaving, painting, drawing, sewing, or gardening.
Penelope James
Penelope James
Penelope James
Penelope James
United States
I have lived many lives. A girl. A woman. A mother. A friend. A traveler. A believer. A creator and so many more. These lives have interwoven and diverged, twisted and tangled more times than I can count, but they've ultimately intersected into who I am today. As the journey unfolded, a camera fell into my hands and a passion was unleashed. My work shows you the world, perhaps, not as it is, but as I see it through the lens of my many lives and the passion that resides behind the camera.
Tuan Nguyen Tan
Tuan Nguyen Tan
Tuan Nguyen Tan
Tuan Nguyen Tan
My name is Nguyen Tan Tuan, born in 1983. I was born and raised in Central Vietnam. When I came to photography in 2015, I was fascinated with capturing the beautiful scenes of my homeland, especially the labor beauty of my people. The photographs of my homeland have brought me some success in international photo contests such as: SkyPixel Awards 2018 & 2019, 2 photo finalists of the 17th annual Smithsonian magazine photo contest, winner 35Awards (2016-2017-2018-2019-2020), Hero Sport Agora 2020, AAP Magazine #11 Travel , 3RD PLACE WINNER (PORTRAIT) MONOCHROME AWARDS 2020, The Pano Awards 2020...
Terese Conway
Terese Conway
Terese Conway
Terese Conway
Terése Conway grew up in Sweden, where the connection to nature is an integral part of daily life. This connection is an evident theme in her work. Her passion for photography started as a teenager when her father gave her an old manual Minolta, and while her current work is digital, it is reminiscent of analog images. With a gritty atmospheric quality, it speaks to the raw beauty of nature and brings the viewer into the scene with its rich tactile layers. Capturing the feeling of a place or a moment is the driving force behind all her work. After spending the past twenty years in Northwest Arkansas, working in product design and trend, Terése recently became a full-time photographer, based in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California. Her work was last seen in the '21 Member's Juried Exhibition' at the Center for Photographic Art in Carmel, CA.
Desiree Cyganek
Desiree Cyganek
Desiree Cyganek
Desiree Cyganek
Ivory Coast
French, from west African descent, Desiree Cyganek is a portrait photographer based in New York City. Always in touch with her artistic side, Desiree started a career as a professional dancer and actress in Paris. Destiny brought her to the United States 10 years ago, where she started photography as a hobby. It soon became obvious that it would become more than that, as she clearly had uncovered a new talent and passion. Photography has now become more than a full time job; it is her new career. Not a day goes by that she's not testing or expanding her knowledge. She always had a deep connection with her African roots and a passion for people & fashion, therefore it comes as no surprise that her expertise lies in those fields. Desiree has this special ability to make people feel at ease in front of her camera and capture their essence like no one else. Her style is clean, yet bold and filled with emotions.
Kang Le
Kang Le
Kang Le
Kang Le
Kang Le, born in Taiwan, with majors in law and philosophy, is a self-taught visual creator. Taking the society in which he lives as the subject, he captures symbolized time and space as well as individuals that serve as microcosms of historical and cultural lineages. His themes touch on the movements and confluence of groups of people, yet without assuming or inferring their situations or tastes. Instead, he translates the consciousness developed by the groups and impressions of their personal lives into photographs.
Bissera Videnova
Bissera Videnova
Bissera Videnova
Bissera Videnova
Bissera Videnova is a contemporary photographer, poet, writer, and editor in her native tongue. She became interested in photography at a very young age when she had already participated in movie and television productions and wanted to be in front of and behind the camera at the same time.
Mrs. Videnova has published both poetry and prose for academic and online articles in her country. In 2012, she won the Mediterranean Women Forum with a short story. She had a collection of poems published in her native tongue (2017) She is the editor of the first book released in Bulgarian about the artist Christo and Jeanne-Claude. She translated the upcoming issue, again in Bulgarian, of Cyril Christo's poems about Christo and Jeanne-Claude's projects.
Her poems and prose were translated and published in English, Korean, Italian, Romani, and French. She participated several times in poetry readings of the Yale Poetry Club in Manhattan.
As a photographer, she participated in group exhibitions in Sofia/Bulgaria, Venice/ Italy, and Tampa/ Florida. She is a member of FMoPA (Florida Museum of Photographic Arts), finalist of Siena International 2020,2021; BECA Photo Awards 2021; July 2020 Bissera published her first photo book "The Speed of My Life" inspired by her poem on early emotional loss.
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