Territory: Worldwide
Theme: People, Place, Nature, Changing Forests and A Climate of Change
Eligibility: All photographs must have been completed since 1 January 2020
Entry Fees: 15 GBP
Prize: Exhibition
Earth Photo is an innovative competition and exhibition developed jointly by Forestry England and the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) which reflects the organisations' common interest in enabling a better understanding of the world around us through our complementary disciplines of the Environment and Geography. Earth Photo will focus on photographs or films which describe one of the following subjects; People, Place, Nature and Changing Forests. The shortlisted artists will show their work in the Earth Photo exhibition at the Royal Geographical Society in London (from 28 June to 30 August) and on a national tour to three Forestry England forests (from 28 June 2021 to 24 April 2022). They will also have the chance to win cash prizes in each of the categories, and the overall winner will receive unique prizes from the Royal Geographical Society and Forestry England.
The exhibition and awards will be selected by a judging panel made up of experts from the fields of photography, film, geography, and ecology, including distinguished curators, environmentalists, writers and artists, and chaired by Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer, Marissa Roth.
Earth Photo invites photographers to share stories about our planet, its inhabitants and our treatment of both - highlighting surprising, engaging, and heartrending snapshots from around the world. Hailing from the UK, France, Russia and China, last year's winners brought us portraits of the Yi people in China's Daliang Mountains, photos of human architecture taken back by nature in Georgia, Portugal and Italy, images of burnt down forests in Cambodia and France, and shots of Spain's severe droughts contrasting with Venice's yearly floods.
Created in 2018, Earth Photo is already highly-respected in the field of nature photography, with shortlisted and winning images being published each year by news outlets such as the BBC, the Guardian, El Espectador, and magazines like Geographical, Vice, Digital Photographer, and National Geographic.
If amateur and professional photographers want to share their vision of our planet, show their work to a prestigious judging panel, exhibit on a national tour, win cash prizes, and gain international exposure, they are invited to enter online before Tuesday 4 May 2021 5pm.