Territory: Worldwide
Theme: Nature. Several categories
Eligibility: Open to all
Entry Fees: $30 Adult /Free Youth entry
Prize: Cash Prize
You are invited to enter your best photos and videos of U.S. National Parks. Whether you are based in the United States or any country around the world—if you have traveled to a U.S. National Park and have favorite images and adventures to share, please join us in assembling a public record of this diverse ecosystem.
Submissions are reviewed by our Judging Panel of experts in photography, wildlife, conservation, and film. Winners are selected for overall appeal, originality, conformity to rules, and technical quality.
We are seeking dramatic portraits, animal behavior, humorous displays, intimate interactions, young animals at play, macro closeups, landscapes, outdoor adventure, and other creative approaches to the art of nature photography to convey the beauty and diversity of nature in U.S. National Parks.
PRO WINNER: Win $1,000 USD cash, personalized Award plaque,
featured publication in Nature’s Best Photography, 1-year NBP magazine subscription (or renewal or gift), display in NBP presentations, including social media, and web galleries.
AMATEUR WINNER: Win $1,000 USD cash, personalized Award plaque, featured publication in Nature’s Best Photography, 1-year NBP magazine subscription (or renewal or gift), display in NBP presentations, social media, and web galleries.
VIDEO WINNER: Win $500 USD cash, personalized Award plaque, publication in Nature’s Best Photography, 1-year NBP magazine subscription (or renewal or gift), display in NBP Vimeos, presentations, social media, and web galleries.
YOUTH WINNER: Win $500 USD, personalized Award Plaque,
publication in Nature’s Best Photography, 1-year NBP magazine subscription (or renewal or gift), display in NBP presentations, social media, and web galleries.
HIGHLY HONORED FINALISTS: Personalized Awards Certificate,
publication in Nature’s Best Photography, display in NBP presentations, social media, and web galleries