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AAP Magazine Women Extended to Friday Only! Win: $1,000 Cash Prizes + Publication
AAP Magazine Women Extended to Friday Only! Win: $1,000 Cash Prizes + Publication
AAP Magazine #27: Colors
Issue #27 Details
Format: US Letter, 8.5×11 in, 22×28 cm
Pages: 92 with approx. 100+ photos in color
Language: English
Price: $25.00 (USD)
Published: November 20, 2022
For this 27th edition of AAP Magazine, we were looking for work that would celebrate colors. In the end, we chose twenty-five photographers (as it happens a majority of women!) from 15 different countries and 5 continents. Their color palette is diverse: bold, vibrant as well as pastel, or even monochromatic but each time their conscious choice adds to the photograph's esthetic appeal and conveys sensory pleasure.
This issue features the following artists:
First place winner: Christine Fitzgerald (Canada) ,
Second place winner: Edita Bizova (Czech Republic),
Third place winner: Thaddäus hozzography Biberauer (Austria)

Merit Awards:
Kelly-Ann Bobb (Trinidad & Tobago), Gavin Libotte (Australia), Anne-Claire Vimal du Monteil (Canada), Mona Singh (India), Joanna Madloch (United States), Hardijanto Budiman (Indonesia), Carol Foote (Australia), Klaus Lenzen (Germany), Marek Boguszak (Czech Republic), Damian Lemański (Poland), Wendy Stone (United States), Joe Buergi (Switzerland), Virginia Hines (United States), Svetlin Yosifov (Bulgaria), Yves Léonard (Belgium), Fabrizio Alzati (Italy), Joseph-Philippe Bevillard (Ireland), Benjamin Pawlowski (Germany), Cynthia Dickinson (United States), Callie Eh (Switzerland) and Sandra Frankel (United States).
Here's a Peek of What's Inside AAP Magazine #27: Colors
AAP Magazine #27: Colors
AAP Magazine #27: Colors
AAP Magazine #27: Colors
AAP Magazine #27: Colors

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